Hearing the world - right from the beginning
Has your child been diagnosed with a hearing impairment? Are you struggling to accept that your child will have to cope with an impairment, possibly for the rest of their life?
In such a situation, the psychological strain on parents is understandably put to the test. Today's forms of therapy make it possible for your child to have an almost carefree and successful life even with an impairment of this kind.
Users, relatives and experts - they are all united by years of personal experience with the topic of hearing loss and its solution.
„Zwischen Kindern, bei denen Hörverlust spät erkannt und die dadurch spät versorgt werden und jenen mit einer frühzeitigen Diagnose, nämlich in den ersten Lebensmonaten, liegen in der Sprachkompetenz ganze Welten.

Nothing is impossible!
My name is Höribald, I know a lot about hearing impairment and I would like to use my knowledge to support you in your goal of accompanying your child on their hearing journey!
As I am still very young, constantly learning and perhaps still making a few mistakes, I have put together a customized infobox for you as a little compensation: