Hearing the world - in order to learn

A child's educational path and the opportunity for personal development in kindergarten and school is one of the most important pillars for their optimal development and later success in life. If your child is affected by a hearing impairment, the child's development, school career and career choice suddenly seem to be called into question. Especially in this phase, it is important for parents not to be left alone.

While around one in every thousand newborn children suffers from hearing loss, this figure rises to around five in every 1000 children in the three to 17 age group. For many children, hearing loss is therefore often only noticed in kindergarten, partly because they know how to adapt in their closest environment, the family, and compensate for their deficit by paying close attention. It is only the consequences of this, such as a lack of attention and perseverance, poor concentration, emotional insecurity, inhibition and social withdrawal or abnormalities in speech, that call for action.In this case, the earlier hearing care is guaranteed thanks to modern technology and specific therapeutic or educational support is provided, the better the affected child can develop cognitively and communicate with their environment without barriers.

By contacting the relevant experts and advice centers, parents can receive support, information and new perspectives. Here you can find the best support and advice for this key stage in your child's life!

Parents' and teachers' guide: Developing and learning with a hearing implant

Developing and learning with hearing implants is a two-part guide for parents of children with hearing implants and their teachers. This comprehensive information brochure is intended to help parents and teachers to provide their affected child or protégé with the best possible support for an optimal school experience. PLEASE NOTE: this guide is only available in German.


Users, relatives and experts - they are all united by years of personal experience with the topic of hearing loss and its solution.

Wir als Lehrkräfte und Fachleute haben im Entscheidungsprozess natürlich eine beratende Funktion, aber letztlich entscheiden die Eltern, welche Methode der Erziehung und Ausbildung sie für ihr Kind wählen.

Dir. Katharina Strohmayer, Mag. D., BIG Vienna

Nothing is impossible!

My name is Höribald, I know a lot about hearing impairments and would like to use my knowledge to help you give your child an enjoyable and successful time at kindergarten and school!

As I am still very young, constantly learning and perhaps still making a few mistakes, I have put together a customized infobox for you as a little compensation: