
  • I have a daughter with bilateral implants.
  • We had the implants fitted to enable her to have normal language development.
  • Contact with people who understand your mother tongue can simplify communication.


My name is Hazemi, I live in Vienna and I have a daughter who is fitted bilaterally with cochlear implants. We found out that our daughter was deaf as soon as she was born. That was naturally a shock to us, we were uncertain, scared and sad. But we wanted her to have normal hearing and speech development so we decided to have her fitted with implants.
The more information I got, the more confident I became in the decision. So I would advise everyone to research thoroughly and broadly and take information from many sources. It can also help to make contact with people who speak your mother-tongue. That might make communication on this subject easier.

My most important tip

Research well and get a lot of information!

Hazemi kontaktieren

Do you have any specific questions that I can answer with my experience and knowledge? Then get in touch with me, I look forward to getting to know you!

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