What do users say about life with a cochlear implant and how can they pass on their knowledge and experiences to others?

Future users, relatives and interested parties can draw on over 40 years of experience with the cochlear implant (CI). Long-time users can tell us a lot about how life with a CI changes and what possibilities it opens up.

Really important: sharing cochlear implant experiences

The step towards a cochlear implant often involves a long decision-making process. This not only includes numerous visits to ENT experts, choosing the right hearing implant system and the associated consultations with the technician, but also the desire for personal contact with other users.

For most of those affected, it is of course important to obtain experience and opinion from people who have been living with their CI for some time.

Now that the development of the cochlear implant has a 40-year history, there are many happy users who have a lot to say about their successful journey with their implant. They often express their gratitude for the opportunity to hear (again) by wanting to share their stories with others, exchange ideas and encourage future users.

Direct contact with other affected people is therefore extremely important on your path to hearing. Here you will find people of all ages who would like to share their story with others - online, by telephone or in person!

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Experiences with a cochlear implant