How much does a hearing implant system cost in Austria?
When considering an implantable hearing system, the question of costs inevitably arises.
In Austria, people are usually in the fortunate position that the costs of a cochlear implant or any other hearing implant system are covered in full by the Austrian healthcare system.
The costs for the implant system, the operation and hospitalization costs as well as necessary follow-up treatment and rehabilitation units are shared between the state and the respective health insurance fund. The insurance companies also cover virtually all repair costs. The prerequisite for this is, of course, that the future user has valid social insurance.
The following costs will be incurred by future users after being fitted with an implantable hearing system, which are not covered by the responsible authorities:
- Batteries for the audio processor (rechargeable batteries supplied in the starter package reduce the regular costs considerably, but must be purchased again after their battery life - around 1000 charging cycles - has expired)
- Smaller replacement and wear parts that are not covered by health insurance as part of repairs (microphone covers, ear hooks, etc.)
- Additional technical devices that are not included in the basic package of the implant system (alarm systems, FM systems, streaming devices, etc.)
- Private electrical appliance insurance in the event of loss or special repairs that are not covered by health insurance in exceptional cases.
In addition, hearing implant users have a variety of financial entitlements and support options. You can find out all about this and more here:
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