When the consequences of a sudden hearing loss make a hearing implantation necessary
If a sudden hearing loss occurs without a recognizable cause, usually on one side, this is called a sudden hearing loss. A quick visit to an ENT expert is the best option. If, despite all measures, the result is irreversible severe hearing loss or even deafness, the cochlear implant offers an ideal solution.
In most cases, sudden hearing loss occurs completely unexpectedly and only in one ear. If it subsequently leads to severe hearing loss or hearing loss which borders with deafness, you should definitely consider hearing treatment, even if the other ear is intact.
After all, the second ear is not just a reserve, but is necessary for hearing functions that make everyday life much easier. This is why experts confirm that it is best to ensure hearing on both sides.
If you would like to find out more about the importance of hearing on both sides, you can find numerous articles on the subject here: Gehört.Gelesen special edition: Hearing with both ears sounds better
A cochlear implant makes hearing on both sides possible again. It enables speech comprehension in noisy environments, three-dimensional sound perception and localization of sound sources. We can only determine where the sound is coming from if we hear with both ears. We can also only experience the pleasure of a stereo system with two intact ears. And dangerous situations in everyday life can often only be prevented if the source of the noise can be located with both properly functioning ears.
Even if it takes a little practice to combine the auditory impressions of the naturally functioning ear with the new sounds offered by the cochlear implant - the brain is incredibly adaptable and soon users will not be able to tell the difference between their two ears.
Would you like to find out more about cochlear implants? Here you will find everything you need to know about the reliable implantable hearing system:
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