
Advice & Personal Contact

“The people to whom we are a support give us a hold in life”

Marie Freifrau von Ebner-Eschenbach

The opportunity to get into direct contact with other users or exchange experiences in a group is immeasurably important, especially right at the start of your journey.

Whether it is a personal conversation, or sharing wishes, worries or experiences in the community, here you can find a comprehensive list of contact details for self-help groups and initiatives. You can also find personal contacts who are happy to be your advisors and to share their experiences – because hearing connects!

Hearing advisors

Team Höribald includes users and their relatives who are available to you online, by telephone or in person for questions or issues you may have. They have said that they are willing to share their knowledge and experience with others who are just setting out on the path and are perhaps valuable contact persons for you and your family.

Self Help Groups and Initiatives

Helping other people and becoming engaged socially will make you happy. That has even been scientifically proven. Helping others improves the sense of self worth – you are happy to receive the gratitude and appreciation and you feel the connection to each other. Those who help others and engage socially this way do something good for the others and for themselves.

There are also many people who are happy to share their hearing outcomes with others by sharing their knowledge and experience. 

These self-help groups and initiatives will support you at various locations with words and actions:

Bildungsdirektion Burgenland2023-12-19T14:38:22+00:00
Bildungsdirektion Salzburg2023-12-19T14:36:34+00:00
Bildungsdirektion Vorarlberg2023-12-19T14:37:32+00:00

Christian Kompatscher


CIA Cochlea Implantat Austria2020-02-29T17:02:59+00:00

Die „österreichische Gesellschaft für implantierbare Hörhilfen“ – gegründet 1992

Club Ohrwurm2022-11-29T10:00:36+00:00

Ihre AnsprechpartnerIn:

Ihr Ansprechpartner: Harald Vogl,

Tel. +43 664 62 72 192


Forum für Usher-Syndrom, Hörsehbeeinträchtigung und Taubblindheit2020-02-29T17:50:21+00:00

Das Forum Usher Taubblind ist ein Selbsthilfeverein für Menschen mit Usher Syndrom und Hörsehbeeinträchtigung unterschiedlichster Ausprägung bis hin zur Taubblindheit.

Hallo Hört2024-06-26T07:25:16+00:00

Selbsthilfegruppe für hörgeschädigte Kinder und Jugendliche


Junge Stimme2024-06-26T07:28:00+00:00

DER Treffpunkt für junge erwachsene hörgeschädigte Menschen, die lautsprachlich untereinander kommunizieren.


ÖCIG Österreichische Cochlear Implant Gesellschaft2020-02-29T17:30:41+00:00
ÖSB Dachverband2020-02-29T17:31:45+00:00

Der ÖSB ist ein unabhängiger Dachverband von und für Schwerhörigenvereine und Organisationen hörbeeinträchtigter Menschen in Österreich.

TAUB und trotzdem HÖREN2020-02-29T17:48:05+00:00

Cochlea-Implantat Selbsthilfegruppe

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